
The goal of this module are to:

  • Test your understanding of C pointers, memory management, and basic control loops
  • Help you understand what you do and do not know

Deadline: This lab must be completed by the end of the class period

Read this first

This lab will be a series of quizzes to test your understanding of C so far… but DON’T PANIC! Most of your grade for the lab (80%) will come from simply completing the quizzes; the remaining 20% will come from answering the questions correctly. And some of them should look very familiar.

Please read all of the text in each section fully and carefully.


  • For each quiz you will need to enter your GW NetID. This is the “username” portion of your email address. It is NOT the ID number that starts with a G. Do NOT include the @gwmail.gwu.edu portion. For example, if your student email is myname@gwmail.gwu.edu, then you should enter myname. This should be obvious, but I will note that several students got this wrong on the first quiz.
  • Unless otherwise noted you may NOT access any other websites or materials while taking these quizzes. For example, you may NOT run code on the CodeAnywhere or repl.it sites unless the lab tells you to do so.
  • Since this is a quiz, you must work by yourself and can only ask the TA for clarifications.
  • You may NOT speak with any other students about this quiz until Tuesday. You should treat the quiz like an exam, and abide by all academic integrity requirements. Do not be distracted by the screens around you!
  • You must complete the 3 quiz sections in order. You can only submit each quiz once.
  • You may only complete this quiz during your lab period.

Get ready…

You may not proceed until the TA says you are allowed to. Then go here.