Quiz B - Memory Layouts

For this section you may not use any other sites such as Repl or CodeAnywhere.

Answer the questions in this Quiz using the information below.

Code Block A:

  int a[2];
  int b[2];
  int j;

  for (j=0; j <=2; j++) {
    a[j] = j;

  b[1] = 456;

Our model of the stack:

  • When a function is called, space is reserved for the return value and any function arguments
  • Variables are added to the stack in the order they are declared
  • Addresses start at 1000 and increase with each variable added
  • int and int* variables consume 4 bytes

Code Block B:

 int a = 10;
 int b = 15;
 int *ptr;
 int **ptr2;
 ptr2 = &ptr;
 ptr = &a;
 *ptr = 20;
 *ptr2 = &b;
 *ptr = 40;


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